o sniper esmiúça o sócrates

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emails para nakedsniper@gmail.com

15 setembro 2009

day one - the big trip

the day begun with only 2h30 sleep.

Miguelinho was super kind to takes to the airport in Lisbon and Pedrinho joined us for company.

it was an extremely busy morning in the airport. I had never spent so much time in controls (luggage and passport).

the first flight was Lisbon to Dublin. no problem there

then, lunch at dublin airport, where they don't sell chewing gum. go figure.

the transatlantic flight was 7 hours. the flight entertainment system offered several movies and tv series. none of the movie appealed to e, so I watched the simpsons, family guy, scrubs and mad men.

upon arrival in the US, again long lines in the passport checks. surprisingly, they were fast and not annoying in the procedure.

then, a 30 dollars taxi ride to queens and, voilá, cazzamia.

and that was the end of day 1

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At 4:51 da tarde, Anonymous jvn said...

And who kissed me and Analu in bochecha? She says Franksy, I say Sniper!

At 6:40 da tarde, Blogger snowgaze said...

so cool.
btw lisbon airport is always a pain (re. security). i could say it's lack of organization, but i would put my money (ah!) on trying to charge people for the other, faster, security lane.

At 12:33 da tarde, Blogger franksy! said...

it was me! stop taking showers!

At 1:10 da tarde, Blogger naked sniper said...


I'll kiss you anytime

At 1:11 da tarde, Blogger naked sniper said...

that would be a great idea

At 1:12 da tarde, Blogger naked sniper said...


jvn likes to think about me in the shower

let him be

At 3:36 da tarde, Blogger joana corker said...

jvn, you're lucky basterd!
a cheek kiss from fransky and a chest lick from jeronimo!

At 4:13 da manhã, Blogger naked sniper said...


very lucky and very funky


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