Com tanta coisa para colocar em ordem neste regresso, ainda não tive tempo de publicar mais nada sobre a viage.
As minhas desculpas pela falha.
Até amanhã de manhã teremos mais um poste sobre a viagem.
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the sniper has entered the building
hello, boys and girls.
I'm back
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the naked sniper american experience
Blue Man GroupWhile in Vegas, obviously we had to watch a show.
For those who don't know, Vegas is no longer the gambling dirty place of America one could expect. For the last 10-15 years a lot of money has been invested in mega-casinos. Vegas is still the Disney World for adults, but now offers entertainment for the all family. Most of the mega-casinos combine gambling with shopping centers, variety shows and a lot other stuff to keep you busy and fun.
back to the story. The possibilities were many and good: Terry Fator, David Spade, Bette Midler, Cher... But I have been curious about the Blue Man Group for a while and I was very disapointed when they went to Portugal because I couldn't catch them. So, the choice was made.
The show was amazing: funny, creative, interactive, diversified. Actually, what surprised me the most was their imaginative way of being funny without ever speaking. Their versatility reminds me a bit of portuguese artist Pedro Tochas, who can also be [extremely] funny in many different languages.
If you go to Vegas, that's the show I recomend: everyday, at 7pm and 10pm, at the Venetian
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somethings will never change
um gajo por aqui curioso sobre o que se passa "back home" vai ver as notícias e o que encontra?
Candidato do CDS em Moura apanhado a furtar palhaque saudades...
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Second day in San Francisco.
Major temperature drop compared to the desert. I wore a sweatshirt all day whereas in Vegas I was always sweating my t-shirt.
Another climate anti-climax is the persistant fog. Today we went to the golden gate bridge by bike, but the visibility was only of about 30 meters. crap!!!
We also cruised through the waterfront, the piers and the beach. very beautiful.
yesterday we visited the Castro neighbourhood. great atmosphere
our hotel is in a great location, right between the 2 atractions. The only problem is that is full of very strange people (people who chew on bateries, people who have marital discussions in cable cars, etc.)
tomorrow is sightseeing tour day. let's hope the weather is better (fingers crossed)
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Fabulous Las Vegas
Dear friends and visitors,
Contrarily to what the website promoted, the h(m)otel we're staying in has no wireless internet access. I'm on a internet cafe now. This means that the previous system of publishing a post for each day would become terribly delayed, so I'll post when I can and about specific things and not days
Las Vegas is impressive. I gambled once and I won (2 dollars)
Tomorrow we'll go to the Grand Canyon.
Wednesday we'll arrive to San Francisco and I hope I can post something there
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day three - melting in
the third day was the least turistical one. we just walked around manhattan and checked out the uptown loop. it was nice.
we checked out a lot of shops and did some shopping. I bought 2 levis 501 for 98 dollars (a regular blue for 45 and a grey one for 53) - that's 70 €, for 2! we also visited macy's and barnes and noble (where I got some books that I never found before in Europe), and checked a lot of street stands of used books and stuff
Then, at night, we went to "Ha" comedy club and we had a great time. The best stand-up guy was exiene (
check him out). the funniest man I've seen in a while.

and that's all, folks (4 now)
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day two - getting to know NY
the second day was spent getting acquainted with the big apple.
the first part involved going to Times Square and just walking around, getting the vibe of the city.
then we went to a foot locker store to check for the air jordans. there are a lot of them for sale, much cheaper than in Europe. however, the only ones that might interest me (the black and green retros and the 7 - the 8 has yet to be found around here) were sold in packs of 2. so, I got a bit upset
we visited the m&m store, planet hollywood and hard rock cafe and headed to Madame Tussaud's
we bought the city tour pack, which includes a downtown loop, an uptown loop, a night loop and a brooklyn loop. we took the downtown and the night loop in this day
one of the most surprising and pleasant things we found is that everybody (or almost) is extremly nice, always eager to help, give directions, etc. it-s not like this in Europe
and taht's enough for day 2. I apologize for the delay in posting stuff about the trip, but really there are much more interesting stuff to do than to surf the web.
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according to federal law, during the sniper's stay in the US, this blog will be written in english. official translation will be available in 2017
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day one - the big trip
the day begun with only 2h30 sleep.
Miguelinho was super kind to takes to the airport in Lisbon and Pedrinho joined us for company.
it was an extremely busy morning in the airport. I had never spent so much time in controls (luggage and passport).
the first flight was Lisbon to Dublin. no problem there
then, lunch at dublin airport, where they don't sell chewing gum. go figure.
the transatlantic flight was 7 hours. the flight entertainment system offered several movies and tv series. none of the movie appealed to e, so I watched the simpsons, family guy, scrubs and mad men.
upon arrival in the US, again long lines in the passport checks. surprisingly, they were fast and not annoying in the procedure.
then, a 30 dollars taxi ride to queens and, voilá, cazzamia.
and that was the end of day 1
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Outra que se esqueceu de tomar os medicamentos
Temos nós vergonha do nosso primeiro ministro e eis que, afinal, ele até é um menino na arte de envergonhar as pessoas.
Mulher do primeiro ministro japonês diz que foi raptada por extra-terrestres
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Frase do dia
"o amor é lindo, mas a Francisca é mais"
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Passando agora para a bola.
O jogo do sportem foi uma desgraça, que só não foi completa porque os cepos da briosa são ainda mais coxos e só seriam capazes de marcar um golo se caísse um penaltie do céu ou se um defesa leonino fizesse um auto-golo.
Chegou a ser desesperante a inépcia dos jogadores do sportem, incapazes de trocar 3 passes certos seguidos. Não percebo se é desmotivação por a liga nacional não ser tão fina como a champions ou o caneco, mas os gajos pareciam sem vontade nenhuma de jogar à bola.
O Yannick, de quando em vez, passa-lhe qualquer coisa pela cabeça e faz uma jogada de craque. Depois volta ao normal e não domina uma bola nem faz um passe direito.
O Pedro Silva parece que tem problemas de visão e não é capaz de atinar com a marcação aos adversários.
O Polga, Meu Deus!!!, o Polga parece um jogador de polo aquático que puseram a jogar futebol por engano. Está a jogar lesionado? Porquê? Metam o Tonel. Se têm um plantel de 25 jogadores é para jogarem outros quando os titulares estão lesionados. Ou só tiram o Polga da equipa quando ele tiver uma perna partida? (não me dêem ideias)
De quem gostei? 3 jogadores: Matias (único que é capaz de fintar um adversário), Patrício (seguro) e Carriço (que jogador do caralho!!!! uma categoria... e calminho no alto dos seus 20 anos). O Veloso também não esteve mal de todo, mas desconcentra-se com muita facilidade - falha passes fáceis e continua pouco agressivo a defender.
Enfim, e depois o Benfica marca 8. Foda-se, pá!!! Que é esta merda? Até o Nuno Gomes marca? Só pode ser doping...
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ah, e tal...
Caros amigos e visitantes,
Mais uma vez puderam constatar que eu sou uma pessoa sem carácter nem palavra (embora possua umas sapatilhas extremamente fashion). Prometi cenas e estórias de Barcelona e do Sportem e não cumpri.
Vamos ver se é agora.
O meu futuro cunhado tem medo que eu me atrase para o casamento e, para que eu não engane nas horas, decidiu pferecer-me como prenda de casamento um bonito relógio. É este aqui:

O que é que isto tem a ver com Barcelona? Pois é...
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